Training course

The life science industry in Norway is growing, and it is important for the industry to find motivated employees with the right competence and understanding. SurViva is offering tailored training courses where an important objective is not only to see what regulatory requirements are about, but also to grasp why regulatory standards have been developed, and how they add value to the end users and to society. Only by understanding the overall objectives of regulatory and quality requirements, employees will be motivated to do their best to comply with the standards.

The training course can be tailored for the audience but will normally start with a general introduction to the regulatory environment for the food, medical device and/or pharma industry. The course will present definitions of different types of products in life science, i.e. what are the definitions of drugs, medical devices and food / cosmetics. To be able to classify products correctly is crucial for companies during product development, and for some types of products this is really challenging.  

The course will further describe relevant regulatory requirements and quality standards in general terms and will specifically look into the regulatory requirements and the quality standards applicable during the various phases of product development. The course will also point to the relevant regulatory bodies and give the students tools and tips on how to find relevant information at a later stage.

The course will further present the concepts of quality management systems, and to give the students background understanding why quality systems are useful, and how they help businesses deliver according to expectations from customers, patients and the society.

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